
Showing posts from May, 2024

Not English but Spanish

Not English ( Spanish Class and Its Effect on Me )  My Spanish Teacher  Sister Marie Aimee is my Spanish teacher at King’s Preparatory High School. I am going into 9th grade.  Starting High School  I have left behind my K thru 8 elementary school of St Boniface, and am mixed in with others from all over the county. Some are from the suburbs, and some are from the city. Some live in nice houses which all look the same in suburban tracts. Some live in working-class neighborhoods where every house is different. Almost everyone here is Catholic. But we all, everyone of us, have one thing in common: We speak English.  Why Spanish My daily school load is six classes. I had only one choice which was either Spanish (supposed to be easy) or French (supposed to be unspellable). Sr Marie Aimee, as my Spanish teacher, is about to plunge me into another world where I will learn a new, to turn a phrase - “lingua franca”.  The Awakening  “How hard can Spanish be?”, I think. I memorize the words an

Recollection on High School Part I

 King's Preparatory High School I'm in a writing class which focuses on memoirs. I've been thinking about high school lately, and it may play a part in my upcoming Camino Norte. In high school, I was no jock. I had no athletic abilities whatsoever, and I think that infiltrated into my high school attitude. I was a bookworm, and enjoyed it.  Now I hike Caminos two to three times a year, racking up a couple of hundred miles of through-hiking every 12 months. What a difference!! Anyway with that in mind, here is the first of my HS memoirs. Each will give me pause for thought as I walk this summer from Bilbao Spain to ??? Oviedo ??? We shall see. -_________________________________________________________________________ Safe In The Library I spent three of my four years (freshman to junior / 9th - 11th grades) in high school at King’s Preparatory High School, an innovative Catholic school with a philosophy of inquisitiveness rather than memorization. The place where I always fe