
Showing posts from September, 2024
Wrapup Date 3 Sept ( Tuesday ) Total This Camino: 239 miles. Total 2024 Caminos: 353 miles Total All Caminos: 2353 miles Lodging: Total Lodging: $ 1575 Planes: $ 1500 (round trip) Total Planes / Travel Insurance: $ 2100 / $ 246 Buses / Trains / Taxis: Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 275 Food: $ 15 Total Food: $ 863 15 I have integrated back into daily life. Tomorrow I have a major should surgery to correct a detached something or other. Not crazy about being chair-bound for some days while the pain level drops. Pretty crazy how a person can go from a 240 mile hike to being immobile, but life is what it is, and I need this surgery to heal. Short-term pain, long-term gain. At least I can watch videos about Schleswig-Holstein, Germany which is my goal for January of 2025 when I will walk the Jutland Jakobsweg along the Baltic Sea, or maybe the North Sea, or maybe both. LOL

Day Post + 9: Crash and Burn

Day Post + 9: Crash and Burn Date 24 Aug ( Saturday ) Total This Camino: 239 miles. Total 2024 Caminos: 353 miles Total All Caminos: 2353 miles Lodging: Total Lodging: $ 1575 Planes: $ 1500 (round trip) Total Planes / Travel Insurance: $ 2100 / $ 246 Buses / Trains / Taxis: Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 275 Food: $  Total Food: $ 878 Something has changed Going through an unbelieveable "crash and burn", and I don't know why. I have all my usual post camino routines complete, e.g.  getting the car up to snuff checking with my doctors re medical appts catching up with my social organizations in terms of committments, responsibilities, etc prepping for the upcoming school season (student, not teacher) And yet so much makes so little sense to me right now.  I find myself wondering "What is the point?" This is strange because on prior caminos, I have returned re-invigorated and ready for action. I find that I don't care about my G