Day 10: From Arnuero to Santander

Day 10: From Arnuero to Santander

DateJuly 24 ( Wednesday )
Weather78° F/ 25° C. Although there was long periods of Sun, there was also long periods of cloud cover.
Today's Distance: 15 miles / 24 km
Route and StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 76 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 179 miles
Total All Caminos: 2179 miles
Lodging: Mi Campus Santander@ $ 48
Total Lodging: $ 459
Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 / $ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 10 
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 111
Food: $ 28
Total Food: $ 242

On The Road

An 8:15 a.m. start which is what we planned on. 
We need to walk about 2 or 3 mi to get back to the Camino. 

Found the Camino and started walking. First stop was in the town of Bareyo where we took juices and coffees and pastry. It was a campground. 

Walked through a valley of green farmland. Just really beautiful countryside in which to take down the energy level and think about things as we moved along.

Our next big stop was in Galizano where we sat down for Menu del Día. Deb, Mary and I  ordered for two, but shared among three. Chicken, pork, two pasta entries and a really big bottle of water.

Spent a beautiful afternoon walking along the cliffs along the Cantabrian Sea. 

But something was happening to our schedule because we started running really late. Not sure where things fell apart. 

Following the Camino onto the beach in Somo, and a man advises Deb that it's not passable with the high tide coming in. I go a little further, and see that the big rocks ahead and the tide prevent any further progress on the beach at this point. It's a minor frustration, but we have to climb a pretty narrow sand path up and over a hill to get past the rocks and back onto the beach.

Walked our only beach of the day, and now we are on the streets, walking to the ferry to Santander.

6 :30 p.m. We are exhausted but finally in Santander. Caught a taxi to our lodging and called it a night.

Ok Google, after a little bit of unpacking, had an incredible urge for a cold, cold beer. It's been a really long day.

Random Thought of the Day

We are only about 3/4 of the way through the day. And I have absolutely no idea how what should have been a 12 mile 7-hour day, looks like is turning into a 15 mile 10-hour day. And we haven't even boarded the ferry cross the bay to get to Santander.

Meaningful Moment / Notable Memories

Sharing a hard exhausting day with Deb and Mary whose indomitable spirits went a long way to keeping my spirits up.

Still trying to figure out why our distance estimations were so off. We planned for 12 mi over 7 hours. We ended up walking 15 mi over 11 hours.

On the plus side, the sights all day were beautiful. 

We walked along towering cliffs over the Atlantic Ocean.

We had a re-energizing coffee break in a valley full of  farms, surrounded by Green. 

I cooled myself on a beautiful beach with the breaking waves,  washing over my feet. 

And we ended the day with a 20-minute ferry ride across the Santander Bay estuary.

The Spanish would say, " Esto vale la pena." It translates as "It's worth the hurt."

Leaning Arnuero


The valley was filled with farms and farm animals

Walking along the cliffs of Spain's North Coast

Playa de Langre

The corn was taller than us. The cornfield almost went right up to the edge of the cliff.

Ferry to Santander

Mi Campus - our lodging for tonight and tomorrow's rest day

Practicing medicine without a license


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