Day 08: From Rio Seco to Laredo

Day 08: From Rio Seco to Laredo

Date22 July ( Monday )
Weather80° F/ 27° C. Lots of sun.
Today's Distance: 12 miles / 20 km
Route and StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 48 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 151 miles
Total All Caminos: 2151 miles
Lodging: Hostel Rosi @ $ 45
Total Lodging: $ 366
Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 / $ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 101
Food: $ 35
Total Food: $ 199

On The Road

Good cup of coffee at our lodging - Posada Ville, as we sat around the table getting ready for the day. 
As I said yesterday in my blog, I completely changed my mind about staying at here.
It turned out to be a nice experience.

The hill out of Rio Seco was a nice surprise in that it gave me a chance to finally stretch my legs both up and down. Not sure the elevation change at this time. ... The elevation change turned out to be 700 feet over 2 miles.

About halfway down the hill, we came across a picnic area where we stopped for a bite to eat to include a sandwich, tortilla, peanuts and cake. 
Cutest little feral cat was hanging around. Very people acclimated.

Emergency refill of Cafe con leche in Hayas along with an ice cold Fanta lemonade.

Had to do the check-in through a machine at the front door. Really had the feeling they were too cheap to pay for a receptionist.

Random Thought of the Day

For the first time on this Camino, it seems like the planned distance according to our guides was right on the money. Usually our guides underestimate by a couple of miles, the actual distance to get to our target destination of the day.

Meaningful Moment / Notable Memories

Behaved like typical Spanish people tonight.  
Went out for dinner around 6:30, and didn't return until 10:30. 
Of course, the kitchens didn't open until 8:00 p.m. 
But we found a nice bar where we sat down for some tapas and some wine and waited for the kitchen to open. And when the kitchen opened we ordered a round of raciones of four different specialities.
It was a good night.

Today was a much more nature oriented hike, up and down some mountains and through pastures. It was beautiful

Abandoned Church

Iglesia de La Magdalena

Mary and I each lit a candle

Interesting how the trail is deeper into the ground than the height of a person

My best guess is an abandoned mountain Villa

I would have thought a feral cat would not have come up and showed me so much affection, but on the other hand he's obviously quite used to people leaving or bringing food

Emergency cafe con leche break in Liendo

He was so cute and so wanted attention

Back in the urban landscape.

Our lodging for the night. 

Deb is chilling out in the lounge


Tapas of morcilla, a kind of sausage, salmon and I forget the third one.

Anchoas AKA anchovies

Fried shrimp in a white sauce. Many locals just eat the entire shrimp, including the head. Not me LOL

Mussels in a marinara sauce 


  1. So far it sounds like you're both having a good time. Enjoying reading about your adventures. Carol P.
    p.s. I would have taken the kitty home. lol


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