Day 12: From Santander to Viveda

Day 12: From Santander to Viveda

DateJuly 26 ( Friday )
Weather75 f / 24 c with 75 % humidity, mostly cloudy
Today's Distance: 12 mi / 20 km
Route and StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 88 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 191 miles
Total All Caminos: 2191 miles
Lodging: AirBnB residence @ $ 45
Total Lodging: $ 552
Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 / $ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 15
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 195
Food: $ 20
Total Food: $ 262

On The Road

Last night, while reviewing the plan for today, Deb noticed that the distances were wrong. Turns out that the plan called for a approximate 19 mile day or more. 

So we're taking a cab out of Santander to avoid the urban industrial zone and cut today's walk down to a more manageable 12 Mi.

Taxi from Santander to Santa Cruz de Bezano.
Mostly asphalt again. 1/3 of the time with traffic. 
Some hills but not hard to do.

Random Thought of the Day

When I kept reading that the Camino Norte was a lot of asphalt, I imagined 50 60%. But the reality is that it seems to be on the high side of 90% 

Our weather has been unbelievable. In the months leading up to July, it was raining everyday along the North Coast of Spain. I was seeing it in everybody's Camino Norte feeds. But so far we've had nothing but Sun, and that was often with cloud cover to help protect our skin.

Meaningful Moment / Notable Memories

After today's hike, we grabbed a Menu del Día before checking into the Airbnb. 
Deb ordered a lentejas stew and Merluza fish second course. 
Mary ordered a fresh green salad with tuna and pork dinner for the main dish. New mind. 
I ordered a pasta in cheese sauce first course and a thinly sliced bread crumb beef with fries for my second course. 
For desserts we had a lemon mousse, a cheesecake, and a cheese cream pastry.

Our lodging is a family home, that we are sharing with them. It's a nice house and the backyard is very restful. New night. 
This is possibly the most peaceful night I've had after a day of hiking so far. Mary, Deb and I are in their backyard enjoying the breeze as we chill out.

Small elevator

Church in Santa Cruz de Bezano

A few minutes off of the asphalt

Requejada is an industrial town. Detracts from the beauty of the Camino. But it's their lives. It would be arrogant of me to bring my perceptions to their world.

Rio Saja

Our AirBnB

Chilling in the backyard


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