Two Weeks To Go

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 103 miles
Total All Caminos: 2103 miles

Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 1500 / $ 246

Two Weeks To Go

Physical health

The big issue is the right hamstring. Visited the physical therapist (Alex) yesterday, and she again strongly suggested that I give up pickleball with the Camino departure date so close.

This time I listened, espeially because she gave me something else that I could do in the interim that would both help the hamstring slowly continue to heal, as well as replace the activity level of pickleball.
So I am very measuredly adding jogging back to the routine. 

It is more walking than jogging, but if it helps me heal, then that is a good thing.


My Baltour backpack feels good. I have it pretty much loaded, except for something that must wait until the end, e.g. food container, soap, shampoo, dental stuff, etc.

5 Mile Genesee Valley, Erie Canal & Red Creek HIke

12 Days to Go and Got Sick

The saving grace is that I have a raging sinus infection now, and not in two weeks as I will be plodding the Camino Norte.

I had one of these on my Camino Via Imperii from Berlin to Leipzig in January of this year, and that was a drag. 

In any event, I know its life cycle, and am confident of full health when I depart for Bilbao, Spain.

The Next Day

Feeling better, thank God! As I had hoped, the infection is following the normal progress, based on past experiences. Today I was able to get to the YMCA for some weight training, and later at night, I worked in 30 minutes of physical therapy.

This would have been inconcievable last night.


  1. Have fun Larry and Debbie! Be safe! Carol P.


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