Day 03: Bilbao Sightseeing

Day 03: Bilbao Sightseing

Date17 Jul
Weather85f / 30c, sunny

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 103 miles
Total All Caminos: 2103 miles
Lodging: C谩lido Apartamento C茅ntrico @ $ 44
Total Lodging: $ 88
Planes: $
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 /
$ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 27
Food: $ 35
Total Food: $ 50

On The Road

It's a day of exploration. Plans include visiting the cathedral in the morning, and a walking tour of the Old Town in the late afternoon /evening.

Our goal of the morning is to make it to the cathedral de Santiago in the old part of Bilbao. We're are looking for stamps for our credentials.

Plus what is a Camino if you don't visit at least one cathedral? 馃檪


The cathedral was beautiful. It had its own special sense of grace as it was much smaller than other cathedrals. 
That made walking around it, a much more personable and relatable experience.
As stunningly beautiful as the cathedral of Leon or the Basilica of Barcelona is, the sheer immensity of either of those structures make them seem remote even when you're in inside.

Our 2-hour walking tour of the city's Old Section was amazing. 
Our guide, Estefan, was personable and energetic and exciting. 
I learned a lot about this city in a very short time. 
The old section has so many stunningly beautiful buildings with elaborate architecture and great attention to detail. Unlike anything found in almost any US city.
What our guide avoided was any discussion of the politics of the Basque separatist movement, which was fine with me.

Random Thought of the Day

How nice to be back in Spain! 
Of course! I love being home and back in the States, but the culture is so different here. 
Life on the streets in the evening. 
Families in the plaza. 
Friends and couples meeting at the taps bars for drinks and eats.

Meaningful Moment / Notable Memories

Mary joined up with us last night. 
Today the three of us are exploring Bilbao Spain.

I am desperate to find a reason to introduce us as Los Tres Peregrinos. But I have a feeling, that would be overdoing it :-). 

Two really enjoyable experiences today. Both involved eating. 
Outside the cathedral we grabbed a quick lunch under the noontime Sun. 
For me, coffee and and omelets.
My traveling compa帽eras also had omelets. 

The second dining experience was supper after our walking tour. 
Returning to Plaza Nueva, we found a great tapas restaurant where we had a full meal of three tapas apiece of really great and different foods.

We ended the day on the terrace of our unit. Having some fantastic desserts of chocolates and almonds and cream and raspberries and mint tea.

Cathedral de Santiago in Bilbao

Courtyard looking up at the cathedral spire

Lunch in the plaza next to the cathedral. 

Egg omelet with asparagus.

Tapas dinner in Plaza Nueva



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