One Week To Go

Total This Camino:0 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos:103 miles
Total All Caminos:2103 miles

Planes:$ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 1500 / $ 246

One Week To Go

The Peregrine and the Pilgrim

Shiv's fotografia
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Dec 2023

One of my favorite avocations back home is to watch the peregrine falcons of Rochester NY.

The last two years I have missed the time of year where the baby falcons (called 'eyases') learn to fly. Where was I? I was in Spain on the Camino Madrid, or the Camino Barcelonesa or the Camino Aragon.

Anyway, altho' I loved my time in Spain, I yearned to be with my fellow peregrine falcon watchers from the Genesee Valley Audobon Society. While I was traipsing around Spain, they watched baby falcons take their first flight, then learn to soar and finally to hunt over the skies of downtown Rochester. By the time I got back home, they were dispersing to parts unknown ... just as peregrines were born to do.

So it occurred to me this year, as I hung around downtown hoping to see first flights, first soarings and first hunts, that part of my fascination with this beautiful animal is that we are both "pilgrims" of a sort. We are both far apart and not so far apart from each other.

The peregrine (to survive) and the pilgrim (to explore) both make journeys that are essential to our purpose. It is about survival. I/we travel to special places for sustenance, be it nutritional or spiritual.

Just as the peregrine shows special determination and drive to reach the next place on their migration, I/we walk miles and miles a day, not for entertainment but to cleanse or wash clean part of our inner selves ... it is a time of purer thought in order to feed the soul.

I, like the peregrine falcon that I admire, try to lead a journey-driven life of some importance. It is about exploration and quest, even tho' we have different realms of existence.

Andrew Kuhn, NPS
Public domain

Health Update

Feeling better, as I expected. These sinus infections come and go, and as long as I take the appropriate steps, it gets better ... and it is getting better.

Cleared by Physical Therapy. Still hurts, but a lot better. Yesterday I did 3 miles on the track in an hour. I walked three laps and then jogged one lap over and over for 60 minutes. Like I said, I covered three miles. Not bad.
Today I spent an hour at Cobbs Hill Park climbing 45 degree hills and then going back down. Good training as I don't expect anything close to that on the Camino Norte. Did have to get on the hands and knees for the final 15 feet of a 75 foot climb as I underestimated just loose the gravel at the top was and overestimated that I could handle it.

Gear Update

Time to apply the permethrin to the backpack and sleeping bag liner. I don't like putting it on my clothes, even tho' the instructions say that you can.

Countdown: -3 Days

Things accomplished to prepare for the trip:
  • bought tragel toiletries kit
  • stopped mail service
  • applied Permethrim to the backpack and sleeping bag
  • Cosi (my brittany) got her Librela shot and a bath/nail clipping
  • purchased remaining supplies for my sister to care for Cosi

Countdown: -2 Days

  • Falcon Watch; catching up with Carol P and Dana M for some morning chatter
  • 3 mile walk with the dogs, some light practice for the Camino
  • 3 hour US Coast Guard Auxiliary patrol on Lake Ontario: good training drills - man overboard and side tows
  • Seafood Pho: the broth was especially desired
  • Watching the news on the attempted assassination of former President Trump
  • Gentle yoga session

Setting up for some on-the-water training

Training: Giving directions to the "disabled" vessel

Training: Paying out the tow line to take the "disabled" vessel under tow

Countdown: -1 Day

  • Falcon Watch: one more chance to catch up with the watchers
  • Genesee Valley Hiking Club Hike: Along Irondequoit Creek, simply beautiful
  • Visit Mom
  • Visit Carlos (son), and Jaime, Adriana and Jayden
  • Final packing and cross-checking 

Cosi, my Brittany on falcon watch
Photo by Carol P, falcon watcher

Irondequoit Creek, Channing Philbrick Park
Genesee Valley Hiking Club

Countdown: Day - 0

One last visit to my mom. 
One last falcon watch downtown with Cosi.
Dropped Cosi off at my sister's who will take great care of Cose; I trust my sister with my life.
Finishing packing.
Next stop: Frederick Douglas International Airport, Rochester NY


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