Day 17: From Barro to Ribadesella

Day 17: From Barro to Ribadesella

Date31 Jul ( Wednesday )
WeatherNice weather in the morning to hang out at Playa de Barro.  Then in the afternoon, walk around and experience the International Canoeing / Kayak competition.
Today's Distance:

Total This Camino: 136 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 249 miles
Total All Caminos: 2249 miles
Lodging: Apartamentos Las Vegas @ $ 65
Cancelations $70
Total Lodging: $ 860
Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 / $ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 10 Bus Ribadesella to Oviedo
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 230
Food: $ 53
Total Food: $ 410

On The Road

Shortly after 7:00, Deb and Mary started out on today's hike. I got up shortly after that. Any hiking today for me is out of the question. 

The muscle pull in the lower back is something that happens from time to time to me. I'm sure many people can relate as it's hardly a unique phenomenon. 

This is the first instance of it happening to me while I'm on a long distance through hike in another country.

Using the hiking pole to get around the hotel. Not sure I need it, but it definitely helps. 

8:30 a.m. Having breakfast. Today's option is to taxi to Ribadesella and await Deb and Mary. Any hiking even without the backpack is probably out of the question.

10:30 a.m. Very leisurely breakfast. Then walked around the town for a little bit to stretch the muscles. Must say that the town of Barro, short of appearing to be a lot of beach rental units, doesn't offer much. The beach however, is spectacular. 

11:00 a.m. Checkout. Waiting on taxi to Ribadesella.

Random Thought of the Day

So a lesson that I have not confronted on the Camino in a long time is that "the Camino provides". 

This is going to be one of those situations where the original plans are just going to have to change, perhaps a lot. The thing to do, is to make lemonade out of lemons. 

Reflecting back on yesterday, because I taxied to Barro, I arrived way earlier than Deb or Mary. 

I took advantage of the time by going down to the beach and getting in the ocean, which was a hidden desire for this trip. 

Although we are now 14 days into the Camino Norte , the way we had been hiking, we were never near a beach at the right time for me to really step into the ocean. 

Taking a taxi here, because of the pulled muscle in my lower back, gave me all afternoon to go into the ocean twice. Lemonade from lemon. 


Another coincidence. 

In Ribadesella this weekend is an international canoeing competition. 

So quite by happenstance chance, I happened to be in the port - the finish line - just a short time before before the canoeing event for the under 18 group. 

Even though I don't know much about canoeing, it was exciting to watch the competitors put their hearts into powering across the finish line.

Meaningful Moment / Notable Memories

Messaging back and forth with Deb about how to proceed for the next 4 or 5 days of the trip, giving my back issues, and I realize how lucky I am to have such an understanding woman. 

Deb and I have made new plans because of my sprained lower back. 
Rather than hiking three more days, we're going to jump ahead on the Camino in Oviedo so that I can rest. 
Since Mary is leaving tomorrow also, we will all take the bus to Oviedo together.
At the end of our stay on August 4th in Oviedo, we will reassess how far I can walk with the backpack and how far I can walk without the backpack by using a transport service.

Playa de Barro

Beautiful garden along the street

Final look over Barro


Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdelena

International canoeing / kayaking competition

There's obviously a strong Celtic influence in Asturias

After the race and everybody's waiting to get out of the water. Lol 


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