Day 19: Oviedo

Day 19: Oviedo

Date2 Aug ( Friday )
Today's Distance:

Total This Camino: 136 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 249 miles
Total All Caminos: 2249 miles
Lodging: Hotel Astures @ $ 50
Total Lodging: $ 960
Planes: $ 1500 (round trip)
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 2100 / $ 246
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 240
Food: $ 15
Total Food: $ 470

Cathedral of Oviedo

"Whoever goes to Santiago and not to the Savior, visits the servant and leaves the master". This saying - very well-known in the Principality - refers to the Oviedo cathedral of San Salvador, a pilgrimage center on the Way to Santiago.

An alternate but possibly more representative meaning of the saying above "He who goes to James and not to the Saviour, visits the servant and not the Lord".

Cathedral of Oviedo

Deb and I spent a nice morning wandering around this beautiful cathedral. Much to see inside and enjoy.

Cathedral of San Salvador, 9th century Basilica foundation but expanded over the centuries

Plaza Alfonso II, location of the cathedral of San Salvador.

Very much in the southern Mediterranean style of central altars with much gilded art.

The cloister is beautiful.

I only took this picture because I can practice my German with it LOL

Mercado Publico

On our way to the afternoon free walking tour, Deb and I stopped in the public market to sample a few light items before we started the tour. 

Walking around we saw stalls and stalls of meats and fish, fruits and vegetables, cheeses and pastries. 

We found a stall that was selling baked goods with stuffing and walnut filled pastries. 

These were perfect to have before our walking tour.

Walking Tour of Oviedo

We had a great guide. 

When I booked the tour on-line, I added a comment that I spoke Spanish well but not fluently and my partner a little less so. 

When we showed up for the tour, she verified with us, that because of the nature of the group - she really couldn't slow down in speaking Spanish for us. We were the only non-native Spanish speakers in the group.

We said that was fine. 

Deb and I have to admit that we did a pretty good job of keeping up with a lot of the information she was giving us. 

It was a great walking tour of the old part of town. We visited the public market, churches, a local arboretum with many different kinds of trees - including a massive redwood, a palace, the cathedral of San Salvador and a small segment of the new part of the city. 

She took great effort to explain the history of Oviedo, a lot about the architecture, and took us through several public squares.

 City Hall

Amazing architecture that has a "personality".

Plaza de La Escadelera

La Maternidad ( Motherhood) by Botero

Surprise evening dinner

While walking around, we met some local folks who invited Deb and I for conversation and a light meal at their place. 

It was fascinating to interact with people from Oviedo and not be treated like tourists. 

For a meal we had light servings of anchoas and boquerones ( two types of anchovies ), two kinds of cheese ( an Asturian variety and manchego ),  bread, red wine and flan ( custard ). 

* boquerón is cooked and vinegar-macerated anchovies
* anchoa refers to the salt-cured brown kind.

It was a perfect night of conversation and food and it was totally unexpected.

Camino Primitivo

Deb and I are following the arrow to "la costa" in two days. We feel that the Camino Primitivo ( the other alternative ), which crosses the Cantabrian mountains, could be in our future.


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